Paracord Survival Bracelet
- Suitable for men & Women
- Stylish
- 3 sizes available
- Paracord full length: 13.1 ft (4m)
- Adjustable
- Spare pin
- Lifetime Warrantly text
Paracord Survival Bracelet
When the Zombie Apocalypse arrives you need to be ready. One vital piece of equipment you should have in with the rest of your survival gear is this Paracord Survival Bracelet by the Friendly Swede. In a tight corner this paracord really could save a life, so keep it close to hand. That is, on your wrist.
The paracord survival bracelet is stylish in appearance with a Stainless Steel Black Bow shackle. It is adjustable, ideally fitting a 7-8 inch (18-20cm) wrist. This particular model is more suited to a masculine frame as it is extra beefy, but Friendly Swede cater for all shapes and sizes and a more compact version for the smaller wrist is available in a 6″ to 7″ size. This bracelet comes in a range of colours including: black, army green, army green camo and orange yellow and black.
Emergency Equipment
In an emergency situation the paracord survival bracelet can be quickly unravelled to provide a cord approximately 11.5 feet (3.5m) in length which is capable of holding a 500lb (227 kg) actual rated load verified by SGS testing at a maximum force of 531 lb (241 kg).
This Paracord Survival Bracelet also carries a guarantee under the terms of The Friendly Swede’s Lifetime Warranty. If you are faced with an emergency situation and need to unravel the bracelet and use the cord, simply contact The Friendly Swede with details of the emergency and how the cord was used, and they will replace the bracelet.
- The Friendly Swede Trilobite Extra Beefy Paracord Survival Bracelet with Stainless Steel Black Bow Shackle, Adjustable Size Fits 7″-8″ (18-20 cm) Wrists
- Size: 9-inch
- Paracord disassembled length approximately 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
- 227 kg (500 lb) actual rated load verified by SGS testing at maximum force of 241 kg (531 lb)
- LIFETIME WARRANTY: This product is covered by The Friendly Swede’s Lifetime Warranty
PLEASE NOTE: Caution is advised when wearing the survival bracelet, it will not slide off your wrist and can cause injuries if caught in any object.
Paracord Survival Bracelet Verdict
Superior to other paracord bracelets that are available, this Friendly Swede Paracord Survival Bracelet is an essential item to have in your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Pack. It is strong and sturdy, stylish as a bracelet and quickly to converts to a vital survival tool that can and will save lives.
You should probably have one of these anyway even before the Zombie Apocalypse if you take part in outdoor pursuits. The life time Warranty makes it an investment for your survival, and as a bracelet it looks very cool. Would make an excellent gift for Christmas or birthday. As for Valentine’s Day, nothing says “I love you” like a piece of jewellery with the capacity for saving your life!