Zombie Survival Guide
- Author: Max Brooks
- Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, Audio
- Contents: 286 pages
- Dimensions: 6 x 1.2 x 9 inches More…
The Definitive Zombie Survival Guide
The apocalypse is coming so you’d better get ready! Written by Max Brooks, all-round expert of the living dead, bestselling author and son of the iconic filmmaker Mel Brooks, this Zombie Survival Guide serves as the definitive guide for how to survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
This compelling and enlightening zombie survival guide is comprised of six chapters; each of which offers creative, logical and potentially life-saving information on how to fend off hordes of the living dead. The first chapter of this survival guide outlines various zombie outbreaks over the course of human history as well as introducing the concept of the zombie virus Solanum, how it is spread throughout the human race and its primarily suicidal treatment options.
The following chapters of Brooks’ apocalyptic endurance guide provide illustrated explanations and textual information on the abilities, behavioural patterns and potential weaknesses of the living dead in addition to pivotal content on the differences between fictional Hollywood inspired zombies and those afflicted by the Solanum virus.
Survival Tips
By investing in this comprehensive zombie survival guide you can also benefit from Brooks’ targeted advice and guidance on the most effective weapons and combat disciplines for different apocalyptic eventualities, as well as wilderness survival training tips, helpful first aid techniques and exclusive insights regarding possible safe havens in which to rest, recuperate and reload.
Prepare for the Inevitable
By utilising this guide to learn how to choose the perfect weapons for your particular apocalyptic circumstances and correctly identify the progressive hourly symptoms and signs of infection of the deadly Solanum virus, this end of days endurance guide will ensure that you are fully prepared to fend off the zombie apocalypse when, not if, it happens!
Zombie Survival Guide Verdict
Ultimately, what sets the Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead apart from other apocalypse themed novels is the wealth of historical and scientific depth into which Brooks delves. He has amassed a broad spectrum of eyewitness accounts, research reports of laboratory experiments and historical data in order to create this extensive end of the world survival guide.
As Brooks himself states; “Ignorance is the undead’s strongest ally, knowledge their deadliest enemy“.
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