The Walking Dead Season 2 Game
The Walking Dead Season 2 Game
Created By : Telltale Games
Platform : PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC Download, MAC Download, Playstation Vita
Genre : Graphic Adventure
Rating : M (Mature 17+)
The Walking Dead Season Two continues the story that began in Season One. Both Seasons closely resemble the graphic novels by Robert Kirkman, on which they are based.
The player assumes the character of Clementine, a young survivor discovered home alone in the first Season by Everett. In The Walking Dead Season 2 Game Clementine is joined by Christa and Omid. Clementine is a little older and wiser and she needs to be.
Beware Zombies and Humans
As well as avoiding zombies, Clementine must learn how to outsmart the unscrupulous humans. The game is packed with new adventures, relentlessly tense and entirely absorbing. If you enjoyed the format of the first Season you will find The Walking Dead Season 2 Game just as thrilling.
Clementine must use evasion and defense to survive with danger lurking in every corner. Survival rests on her decision to know when to run, when to hide, and when to stand and fight. Clementines resourcefulness is her best weapon, and her ability to survive the zombies and the crazy humans depends on it.
Violence Rating
As the character of Clementine is a little girl, she is rarely responsible for violence but often witnesses violent acts.
Zombies are killed with a variety of ways including gunshot and bludgeonings.
Humans are occasionally wounded or killed either by being shot with guns but typically they are the victims of zombie bites.
When zombies are killed these acts are bloody, graphic and gory.
An animal is seen impaled. The player has to decide whether to kill the animal to prevent it suffering.
The Walking Dead Season 2 Game Verdict
To force the player to view the world and face challenges from the perspective of a small girl is inspirational.
The challenges presented in The Walking Dead Season 2 Game lie in the players ability to make crucial decision that affect the well being of the characters and the outcome of the game.
The format is very much story based although there are zombies and challenges that must be faced along the way. If you enjoyed the first Season you will enjoy the fresh challenges and developments encountered in The Walking Dead Season 2 Game. Very immersive game that will keep you thinking and second guessing your decisions all the way through.
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