The Walking Dead Season 1 Game
The Walking Dead Season 1 Game
Created By : Telltale Games
Platform : PS4, PS4 Digital, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC
Genre : Graphic Adventure
Edition : Game of the Year Edition
Rating : M (Mature 17+)
The Walking Dead Season 1 is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series. The player assumes the character of Evertt, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at a life in a world devastated by the undead. Evertt is an unlikely hero who comes to the rescue of Clementine, an endearing little girl whom he finds home alone.
Violence Rating
This game contains strong violence with zombie killings being bloody, gory and graphic.
Weapons used include axes and guns.
There are also scenes of amputation and disembowelment.
Humans as well as zombies are subjected to bloody violence.
The violence is typically carried out as an act of defence.
The Walking Dead Season 1 Game Verdict
The Walking Dead Season 1 is ideal for those who enjoy The Walking Dead Series. The graphics are very reminiscent of the graphic novels on which they are based. If you expect a shoot-em-up against the zombies you may be left wanting more. The game is more about the story line and decision making than actual gaming skills. The player is prompted throughout and based on the answers the outcome of the game can take different directions. Some of the decisions are more significant than others and have a major impact on the outcome.
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